
The main aim of Grain ICO is to create a solution that will enable organizations to manage work agreements that are on the Blockchain technology. This platform also creates a quick payment mechanism that can be used by these companies. assists firms save billions of money by offering middleman services that would, in turn, lower the processing costs of the payments that are remitted. is basically a backend solution that enables freelancer platforms and labor management systems to consolidate financial transactions and smart contract on the Blockchain. GRAIN has been able to reinvent how organizations work and give the workers an opportunity of sharing their work success on the main platform.

How Works

Apart from easing the labor contracts, GRAIN also helps in other ways. The GRAIN ecosystem, at the same time, also introduces prompt, compliant, as well as a mechanism of fair payment; all these by ensuring that full security is maintained.

It has also incorporated the introduction of an online saving account that workers can use for any contract across the system. This service can also be used to pay for shorter-term needs or even pay into the pension. As a way of offering a feasible solution for enabling work agreements in various organizations across the globe, GRAIN will comply with any kind of regulation that is connected to labor.


In an effort of safeguarding both sides of the entire transaction, the protocol used by GRAIN also involves a special technique that can be used to handle the volatility faced by the digital currencies.

By applying the Blockchain, a number of possibilities are opened. These are possibilities that can be used by Human Resource developers, payrollers, staffing agencies, accounting software as well as a host of other options.

In brief, the main duty of GRAIN is to give the hundred-billion-euro payroll industry not only a secure but also a free and transparent ecosystem by advancing the current system to one that entirely works by sharing principle.


The Benefits of Using the Platform

It saves organizations huge sums of funds. GRAIN provides companies with a cheap alternative that would reduce the amount they use in labor. When they opt to use Grain for organizing their work agreements, they can save massive funds they would have used in acquiring expensive intermediaries and payroll services.

A Share of the Transaction Fees

With each transaction, the transaction partners will stand a chance of getting up to 50% of the fee that is imposed on the customers.

No More Late Payment

With GRAIN, workers will never have to complain about late payments. All will be better off with this platform, and they would always share in the success.

The Team

The is headed by Onno Hektor, who earlier worked with Microsoft as the director. Mr. Hektor is the president of the board and is closely assisted by André Bonvanie and Erik Koster, who are both board members. Jeroen van Megchelen works for GRAIN as the blockchain expert. The other senior officials that make up the team are Lucas Huizinga, Artem Gorev, Philippe Vanderhoydonck; and Hans Hoogerveen & Steen Deurloo, who are both members of the advisory board.

Alphan Maina
Alphan Maina

Alphan is a professional online content developer with more than 5 years’ experience. He has mastered the art of writing stellar content that conveys the intended message to the audience in the best way possible. Apart from writing, he is also cryptocurrency enthusiast and has multiple digital assets- Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and much more. When he is not writing, he loves spending time with his family or outdoors hiking, swimming or camping.


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