
We as cryptocurrency enthusiasts know that the banking industry is far behind in technology and needs of consumers. It’s missing out on decentralized technologies, and powerful concepts such as the blockchain, which can certainly revolutionize the cryptocurrency landscape. At the same time, if you want to invest in or trade crypto, management of your assets can be difficult when there’s 20 different coins to keep track of. There are no professional instruments for such purpose available to the masses, and SwissBorg, an ICO company, is going to change that.

SwissBorg ICO, the Cyber Wealth Management Platform

This project attempts to create a platform for efficient management of digital assets, in a fair, accessible and transparent manner. In whitepaper, SwissBorg point out community as the most important link in the chain, thus the aim for a community-centric organisation. Starting off straight with the presentation of its extremely skilled members, you know the company means business. Whitepaper, website and other media provided by SwissBorg seem very professional, and not in a stiff, boring old business guy way. There’s a dash of humor in the presented writing, which makes their image highly likeable.

CSB Token will have its funds dynamically allocated, from 50% to 100% in Indexes Pocket, 0 to 50% in Opportunistic Pocket. The token itself will be distributed in 100% to the users, with no team allocation. No discounts on tokens provides fairness – you get as much as you put in. Unlike in other ICOs, where some investors get better returns because they invested in at a different time in the crowdsale. Many neat features are available for investors willing to take part in this project, but the list is lengthy, and I believe that they require some knowledge of the financial world to fully understand, thus I’ll send you off to read the whitepaper yourself.


The SwissBorg Team

A quite large team with impressive portfolios that doesn’t disappoint. SwissBorg is all about professionalism. The CEO seems like a genuinely cool person that inspires trust. He’s had contact with technology since childhood, and knew that technology would revolutionize modernity. If I were to judge the book by its cover, this one would get a great score. But regardless, Cyrus Fazel has great experience in quantitative investment, and a passion for P2P solutions. CSO, Anthony Lesoismier, has 7 years of experience working in finances at Market Securities LLP and an extensive portfolio. There’s much good to be written about this group, but there is no need, as their LinkedIn profiles speak for themselves.

Social Media Presence of SwissBorg, Summary

This department is another place where SwissBorg shine. Over 24 thousand likes on Facebook, posts with high engagement, and an active Twitter. It’s big, no need to say more. A lot of people in the crypto community seems to be on the lookout for a future with SwissBorg. Surely, a cryptocurrency portfolio manager will find itself an extremely useful tool in the hands of many altcoin trading aficionados and investors alike.


Kayla Turner
Kayla Turner

Kayla is an adept article writer with vast hands-on experience in cryptocurrency and technology. She is outgoing and always looking for new challenges to conquer. Over the years, she has gain massive traction online for writing stellar content on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in a crispy and easy to understand style. When she is not writing for the web, she loves spending quality time with friends, colleagues, and her family indoors and outdoors. Be sure to check out his profile online for more invigorating articles.


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