Bitcoin expected to build momentum in Q4

Cryptocurrency analysts are speculating on the future of Bitcoin as we enter the fourth quarter and the year is drawing to a close. Many voices have noted that Bitcoin could see an exponential rise towards the end of the year if the trend of 2017 is anything to go by. Whilst Bitcoin has recently seen an unprecedented period of calm and stability, analysts predict that there is a bull market on the horizon. Some are worried that this will lead to a similar rise and fall as seen last year. Although it’s been almost a year since Bitcoin’s rise to, and subsequent fall from, an all-time high, cryptocurrency experts just can’t seem to let go of this event. Fortunately, their predictions have so far been anything but reliable, so for the time being it’s safe to say that Bitcoin will maintain its position as the leading cryptocurrency in terms of market cap.

Bitcoin watch and an art exhibition to celebrate the anniversary of Bitcoin

The Swiss luxury watch manufacturer Hublot announced on September 19th that they would release a new watch called Big Bang Blockchain. The release is meant to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Bitcoin. Interested buyers will have to sign up to a dedicated website in order to get their hands on the new watch. The payments for the watch will be handled with Hublot’s new partner Octagon Strategy Limited. Hublot is not the only brand celebrating the anniversary of Bitcoin, however. An art exhibition called Bitcoin Art (R)evolution will be put on by a Parisian gallery to create more awareness around cryptocurrency. The exhibition will also allow visitors to purchase items in exchange for the cryptocurrency. Payments aren’t limited to Bitcoin, however, but can also be made with Monero, Litecoin, and Ethereum.

BitGo to release $1 trillion Bitcoin wallet

The security provider BitGo has for a long time been at the forefront of cryptocurrency wallets. Their wallets could contain $10 million worth of cryptocurrency tokens back in 2013. Two years later, that figure rose to $100 million. Two years after that, BitGo’s wallets could hold tokens worth almost $1 billion. Although the technology to contain more tokens is available, the stakes involved in storing so much money in one place continues to rise. This hasn’t stopped BitGo for setting their sights on the $1 trillion mark, however. The challenge for the security firm is to ensure that the money will be difficult to get to in case of the owner being threatened by a criminal.

Samourai wallet won’t display fiat value of Bitcoin

The company behind the popular cryptocurrency wallet has announced that future iterations will no longer display the value of cryptocurrency in fiat money. Users are currently able to view their balances in US dollars, but Samourai believes it’s time to end that. An official statement from the manufacturer says that “users will never be ready” to conduct transactions in Bitcoin unless they’re more or less forced to do so. They cite the familiarity of thinking in terms of fiat money, whilst the actual transactions are part of the cryptocurrency economy and not the traditional economy.

Frederik Nielsen
Frederik Nielsen

I’m a freelance writer and full-time curious person. My main interests are philosophy, politics, art, culture, science, and how they’re all interlinked. When I’m not writing, I’m fronting a band, producing records, and making videos. I’m also currently working on launching a YouTube channel that will focus on culture and politics. I think blockchain technology is fascinating because of the huge potential it has to revolutionise not only the financial sector, but society as a whole.

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