
October 8, 2018
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continue their relentless march forward. More and more celebrities are embracing the digital currency phenomenon, and this only helps bring crypto-assets and blockchain technology out into the mainstream. Bitcoin is at the same time experiencing the lowest level of volatility since the dramatic rise and fall of the digital token back in December 2017. Experts believe that this is a sign of the market maturing.
Hip Hop Embraces Cryptocurrency
Hip-hop artists have begun to embrace the cryptocurrency phenomenon, Bitcoinist reports. Florida-based hip-hop band !MAYDAY! mentioned cryptocurrency in their song ‘Bitcoin Beezy’ from a few years ago. Since then. More and more hip-hop artists have come out as cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Snoop Dogg performed at Ripple’s company party earlier this year, and Eminem mentioned Bitcoin on his latest album ‘Kamikaze.’ The latest rappers to show Bitcoin some love is Soulja Boy, who is perhaps most famous for his decade-old hit ‘Crank That.’ Although the digital token is largely absent from most of the album, it does have an entire song dedicated to. The song is aptly titled ‘Bitcoin,’ and Soulja Boy goes over his daily routine of checking his funds online in the morning — something most cryptocurrency traders will be able to relate to. The rapper also names drops payment apps PayPal and Cash App, which he uses for managing his crypto-trades. Bitcoin is not the only digital currency that gets a mention on the song, however. Litecoin is also featured in the lyrics, and Soulja Boy has many more plans for digital entrepreneurship by the sounds of it.
The Beginning of A New Phase for Bitcoin?
If you search for ‘Bitcoin’ in Google News, you will find that half the stories revolve around Bitcoin’s price fluctuation. Every day there is another so-called ‘expert’ who is predicting either an immediate surge or a crash. While these predictions probably make good headlines, those of us who follow cryptocurrency on a regular basis can largely dismiss them. This point was recently made by Nigel Green, the founder of the DeVere Group in an interview with Bloomberg. The fact is that Bitcoin’s volatility is at the lowest level it has been since December 2017. With only a few more months of 2018 left to go, it will be interesting to see if this holds up. Green opines that this is a sign of the market for Bitcoin starting to mature.
The cryptocurrency has been around for a decade this month, and as it becomes more mainstream, volatility is bound to go down. Green is not alone: Mike McGlone from Bloomberg Intelligence concurs. McGlone mentions that volatility and trading volume goes hand in hand. A third voice, coming from Naeem Aslam from TF Global Markets UK, is skeptical, however.
Aslam says that low volume and volatility is a sign of market capitulation. As the year 2018 is coming to a close it will be interesting to see who is right — the optimists, the pessimists, or the realists?
What do you think the future holds for Bitcoin? Will we see a similar surge and crash towards the end of 2018 as we did last year? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!