Educational material about cryptocurrency has already been introduced to several universities around the world, and it is now also possible to take a degree where you specialize in crypto-finance. Now, however, some are debating whether or not the future of cryptocurrency is so certain that it would be wise to start teaching it in schools.

From university to high school to…?

Among the American universities offering courses in crypto-finance is the University of California, University o Pennsylvania New York University and Stanford University. Countries like the United Kingdom has also begun offering the classes at places like Cambridge University for students studying finance.

Back in the United States, there has been an increase in demand from high school students that the teachers educate them on the world of cryptocurrency. So strong is the enthusiasm for this subject that the students are happy for it to be taught as a non-curricular educational session. CNN interviewed a high school teacher from New Jersey, who mentioned that cryptocurrency is now part of his Business and Personal Finance course.

Has the time come for cryptocurrency classes in schools?

As the trend only seems to go in one direction, the conversation has naturally fallen on whether or not schools should include cryptocurrency in their curricula. Nate Flanders, the owner of a cryptocurrency trading platform, notes how coding languages are becoming more relevant in today’s society. Studying the coding behind blockchain would, therefore, be very beneficial to students.

Flanders is not alone, as the CEO of Mandela Exchange also is of the opinion that coding should form a much larger part of a school’s curriculum than it does now. Some of the coding languages he thinks there should be more focus on including Java, C++, and Python. He does not believe the schools are far off. With there already being a movement to implement programming languages into school systems, it should only be a short step further to offer blockchain courses.

The volatility of the cryptocurrency market is creating uncertainty

One of the main factors holding cryptocurrency back is the extreme volatility of the market. Although Bitcoin has been around for a decade, it is still considered to be in its infancy. And it is easy to see why. With the popular coin having plummeted in value in 2018, it is anything but a stable currency or asset. It is then easy to understand that many would be hesitant to include courses on a phenomenon that might not be around in a few year’s time.

Many have criticized the volatility and think it is a sign of a Ponzi scheme. Christian Ferri, however, is of a different opinion. As the CEO of blockchain advisory company BlockStar, he believes that volatility is not only an inevitable phenomenon in any economy, but that is is also a good thing. Why? Because every savvy trader will be able to take advantage of all the ups and downs there is in an economy. The only question is who will make a profit and who will lose out.

Frederik Nielsen
Frederik Nielsen

I’m a freelance writer and full-time curious person. My main interests are philosophy, politics, art, culture, science, and how they’re all interlinked. When I’m not writing, I’m fronting a band, producing records, and making videos. I’m also currently working on launching a YouTube channel that will focus on culture and politics. I think blockchain technology is fascinating because of the huge potential it has to revolutionise not only the financial sector, but society as a whole.


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