June 20, 2019
Bitcoin Cash Wallets
Bitcoin cash is a new separate Blockchain and its currency code is BCH or BCC. The Bitcoin Cash is sent to a Bitcoin cash wallet address. Using the wrong wallet address may cause the loss of your Bitcoin Cash.
It is compulsory that one has a wallet before one starts transactions that may involve buying and selling with Bitcoin Cash. This is because a public address is usually required before funds can be transferred to someone. It is therefore important to mention that your private key/ password must not be given or accessible to anyone except you. Otherwise, scammers would steal everything you have worked hard for in a flash.
Online Bitcoin Wallets are also known as web wallets as they run in your web browser just like any other website. You should not store large amount of bitcoins on the web wallet as it is more prone to cyber-attacks. It is suitable to register with a cryptocurrency exchange having attributes of Bitcoin Cash so as to promote the fast approval of your wallet. To make sure your tokens are secure, try to keep them in a different wallet.
What is a node wallet?
A node Bitcoin Wallet is the most secured way to keep your tokens safe. To get the full benefits Bitcoin provides, it’s better to use a node wallet. This is done on a separate computer system. For your comfort, you can resolve to go for SPV (Simplified Payment Verification) wallet. With this kind of wallet, you don’t have to download the whole Blockchain. It is easier to make use of unlike the others. It’s also safe to use it to store small amounts of bitcoin as desktops are very prone to viruses that can steal the bitcoins.
What about Desktop wallets?
Software wallets are much more secured as they do not show your private keys as long as they are absolutely configured on your smartphones or computer system. Even so, most of the software application sellers would prefer multiple cryptocurrencies and grant you the opportunity to make different wallets.
Hardware Wallets
If you much interested in cryptocurrency security generally, this is the best to go for. It acknowledges two forms of authentication, one being the physical wallet and the other being the PIN code or password as a form of identification. It’s the most secured way to save Bitcoins. The wallets look like regular hard drives but are only used for keeping cryptocurrencies. They have a lot of backup options just to make the users have a more comfortable use. Most Hardware wallets come with a screen to allow you append your signature during transactions.
Node wallets has a lot of benefits in which a user gains from. This benefits are free cash tokens and are gotten when you download the whole blockchain. This is done by backing up the wallet into the wallet.dat file and then transferring the file into Bitcoin wallet and that’s all.
June 20, 2019
What Are Ethereum Smart Contracts?
A smart contract is just a unit of functionality that you load into EVM. The term “distributed application” or dapp usually describes a front-end application with a graphical user interface that is available for the web or smartphones, which uses EVM as a backend. Unless this is a very simple dapp, its backend functionality will rely on several smart contracts.
A transaction can be called an operation that builds on the pattern “if … then …”. The same thing can be called a contract, a contract, conditions – as anyone is accustomed to. In life, we make deals all the time and not only about money: “If I help you write a diploma, you will give me your PlayStation to play,” “If I lose weight by the summer, I will buy myself a ticket to Maldives” etc.
The main problem of transactions – no one can guarantee the fulfillment of their conditions. Helped a friend with a diploma, and PlayStation was not allowed to play – sit down, take offense, write to the sport lot. I bought a ticket to Maldives and flew there in bold – it’s generally a pleasure to break deals with myself. So thought the creators of Ethereum. And they called it smart contracts.
The smart contract prescribes the reinforced concrete conditions under which the token operates. It is not possible to change these conditions. For example, if you submit a smart contract in the insurance industry, it will look like this. A person who wants to ensure buys a company token. This token gives the right to receive insurance payment upon the occurrence of certain conditions (ie, the fact of an insured event). As a result, the implementation of the token will occur in any case, the insurance company will not be able to rewrite the smart contract and refer to any conditions that cancel the contract.
To date, created a huge number of tokens that operate on the basis of the Ethereum platform, the largest of them: EOS, TRON, VeChain, OmiseGO, ICON.
What is the meaning of smart contracts?
A smart contract is an agreement between the participants of the system that does not provide for revision, i.e. once prescribed, it cannot be changed by any party in its own favor, which means there is no opportunity to trick or deceive any of the participants. Figuratively speaking, a smart contract is a perfectly honest arbiter, it is pointless to dispute it in court because it is simply impossible (in life there may be situations where one of the parties proves that he signed a contract under pressure, in smart contracts this factor is excluded).
A smart contract is an algorithm that is prescribed and approved before it enters the market. It clearly declares the issue of interaction between the parties, specifies penalties and the conditions under which they will be applied. Those. A smart contract is a contract, accepting which the parties clearly follow it without the possibility of changing the conditions.
Who performs smart contracts and how?
It is difficult to understand the entire Ethereum at once, because many things in it are cyclically dependent on each other, unlike Bitcoin. So, smart contracts have a lot of restrictions that are associated with the features of Ethereum-blockchain, which, in turn, guarantees the execution of these smart contracts.
So first, let’s look at the smart contracts, and I’ll tell you about the changed blockchain Ethereum and other things so far incomprehensible below. I promise. Technically, smart contracts are better perceived not assigning a contract, but as the execution of pieces of code. In fact, the contract is the stupid code, the result of which is forever fixed in the blockchain.
A contract can be invoked as a function by performing an online transaction to its address — it will return the result or error to you.
June 20, 2019
Any means of payment, be it gold or fiat money, simultaneously plays the role of a repository of values. In theory, money is what measures the value of a product in exchange. Bitcoin for many years has been the foremost cryptocurrency in the whole world, and it also has the status of a pioneer. But still many people do not understand how it is better than the standard money to which we are all accustomed. Consider a few basic parameters by which Bitcoin, like most other cryptocurrencies, exceeds ordinary money.
- Control
- Affordability
- Speed
- Ease-of-use
- Security
- Personal privacy
- Dependability
- Investment
Let’s elaborate each point in more detail to find out if Bitcoin is really better than a bank account and fiat money.

Reason #1 – Reliability
The number of coins is programmatically limited to the level of 21 million coins. Last bitcoin will extract, presumably, by 2140. A fixed number of coins and an increase in the cost of their extraction are a guarantee that over time the cryptocurrency will go up, if we assume that over time its popularity does not fall to zero. This can be put in opposition to national currencies that are subject to inflation.
Reason #2 – Investment
The value of an asset must be unconditional, and for this, it must be rare and difficult to extract. And Bitcoin just has a limited amount and with time it gets harder to mine. That is, Bitcoin is in short supply, and this is probably the main condition for the repository of value since it basically reflects the property of the human psyche – to collect something rare and not very common.
Reason #3 – Speed
By manipulating the size of the commission, you can increase or decrease the chances of a quick transaction. If transfer speed is important to you, set a high commission and the transaction will be processed faster. If speed is not critical to you, you can save on commission. The choice is yours.
Reason #4 – Control
Bitcoin does not have a regulator, which can if desired, release the necessary amount of currency to the market or vice versa – withdraw from circulation. Bitcoin exists by itself and is not subject to any institution of government.

Reason #5 – Affordability
At any time you can send funds or make a payment anywhere in the world. There are no restrictions on the time of work or geographical distance of the sender and recipient.
Reason #6 – Ease-of-Use
To accept payments using plastic cards, the store needs to purchase or rent a card reader, enter into an unfavorable agreement with the bank and pay a commission of 3%. For operations in cryptocurrencies, a smartphone/computer and a free wallet are sufficient. Bitcoin is much more convenient for business, and the user does not depend on the bank or the payment system, which can suddenly withdraw the contract or cancel the payment.
Reason #7 – Security
Without a doubt, Bitcoins, like other cryptocurrencies, is a safe and reliable alternative to conventional money and bank accounts. Every year their circulation is growing, and the number of users of digital currencies is increasing exponentially.
Reason #8 – Privacy
When making a transfer, the sender and recipient do not need to provide information about themselves to any third parties. To complete a transaction, you only need the address of the recipient’s wallet, which is a combination of letters and numbers and does not contain data about the recipient of funds.
June 20, 2019
How To Mine Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin cash what is it? It is a completely independent cryptocurrency, which can be used for calculations and mining. Of course, it is currently inferior to Bitcoin in popularity, rate and capitalization.
But if the creators say that the new crypt is more perfect, will it not become the main competitor of the older brother? You can speculate for a long time (usually called analytics). But only time will tell how the situation will develop.
Who created the bitcoin cash?
Bitcoin cash is a product of miners who decided to abandon bitcoin. Getting coins BTC is becoming increasingly difficult. Many miners expressed dissatisfaction and supported the process of creating a new crypt. Bitcoin cash was very convenient for the so-called “schismatics”. Considering that the idea was supported by about 12 percent of miners, creating their own cryptocurrency did not become a problem for them.
Despite the advantages, BCH has serious drawbacks. The main disadvantage is that most of the mining capacities are concentrated in one pool. That is, you can deal a serious blow to the cryptocurrency, destroying the organization. Many people like Bitcoin for decentralization. Destroying this cryptocurrency is almost impossible. The power to create new coins is distributed among multiple pools.
How to mine bitcoin cash?
We speak at once – mining on the computer does not make sense. Given the requests for computing power, your income will be so small that you should not even bother.
What is the best way to mine BCH, you ask? There are several options:
- On video cards. The most effective way of mining.
- With the use of the processor.
- Cloud technologies.
The most effective option – mining on video cards. You can install multiple modules on a farm to improve overall performance. Such a decision pays off much faster and you can start earning revenues.
Is Bitcoin Cash Mining More Profitable?
Mining Bitcoin Cash Today, the rate of the new cryptocurrency has exceeded $ 500, which is why the net price of the coin to be mined has also changed. Today miners began to allocate power for the blocks of this cryptocurrency. Calculations show that mining BCH is about 2% more profitable than ordinary BTC. Moreover, the possible profit may increase if the extraction of a new crypt becomes easier.
For example, at block 479.808 Bitcoin Cash mining will become half easier. Thus, if the cost of both cryptocurrencies remains at the same level, miners will be able to increase profits on BCH by about 50%, compared to a traditional coin. But when calculating the possible income, one should also take into account the difference between the principles of currency operations.
Blockchain BTC implies quite high transaction fees. Accordingly, miners will be able to receive an additional 1.5 BTC for each mined block. With current prices, it’s about $ 6,000. As for BCH, the transaction cost is significantly lower and one unit can only bring in $ 50.
Mine bitcoin cash need on powerful equipment, then the process will be really profitable. Creating new BCH coins is difficult, so most of the currency is mined on industrial farms. Please share the article on social networks, just click the button below. Subscribe to our portal updates to be the first to know about the release of materials.
June 20, 2019
The big difference between IPO and ICO
If you’ve ever been assigned to source for capital for a company or you’ve listened so much to the stories of young start-ups, you would realize that one of the toughest thing to do id to raise capital. The advancement in technology has grossly reduced the toils that were once associated with raising capital and has made it quite attractive with the introduction of Initial Public Offer (IPO) and Initial Coin offer (ICO)
Both serve as an attractive way for increasing the financial gearing of the company, however, there are other methods of facilitating investment apart from the two.
The difference between the two
Modern trading platforms and markets like the cryptocurrency market has provided two means of encouraging owners to invest what they have in a business. These methods are IPO and ICO. The question then is; how do you differentiate between the two?
Financial investment can be two ways as far as crypto trading is concerned. You could with choose to invest in old companies that are offering IPO or you could settle for young companies that are offering ICOs. But before you choose, one, there are some distinctions and similarities that you should be on the lookout for.
When trying to distinguish between the two terminologies, the distinction that was given by Cointelegraph seems to be the most appropriate. It says that the major difference between them is that while IPO is associated with a stable and long-standing company, ICO is associated with a new business that is just starting out. As a result, an investment in ICO is always riskier than an investment in IPO.
The Company that has been around for a long time probably has a consistent track record when compared to the new and upcoming company. As a result, there are certain doors that the Start-up company cannot knock on when compared to the other company.

The regulations
Unlike IPO, ICOs are not mandated by any kind of law or legal requirements to issue a form of legal document for each and any of their transaction. Although some try to communicate their tasks and goals through the use of white paper, it is not required by a prescriptive code. The decision to make such information available is decided on by the company and no one else.
Conversely, IPOs are required by a prescriptive code to issue out a prospectus. A prospectus is a document that is used to invite the public to subscribe to the shares of a company and it usually includes details of the offer and the obligations of the different parties that are involved.
Instructions, regulations, and Credibility
Unlike ICOs, IPO companies are mandated to register with the appropriate legal authority beforehand. This is because it is a trade that involves a lot of investors and huge cash. As a result of the strict regulations, investors often feel more confident about IPOs than they are of ICOs.
ICOs are formed on a chain of innovations and blockchain technology. This way, the currencies are liquid and at the same time, volatile. Since there is no legal body to control the activities of ICOs, the process of raising finances often goes unchecked. For this reason, many agencies like the US SEC have tried their best to monitor how well project managers utilize funds and identify unscrupulous ones.
The waiting period
Since both concepts are different, it is only logical that the time frame for processing them varies. IPOs take about six months from the time of initial approval to final presentation. This is because of the lengthy legal process that is involved.
The ICO, on the other hand, depends solely on the kind of task that needs to be performed and time. The absence of lengthy legal requirement and processes ensures that the ICO process is shorter and less complicated than IPOs. The decision of time and fund collection depends solely on the effort and system that is implemented by the task leader. For example, Basic Attention Token (BAT) was an ICO that managed to raise about $36 million in just 30 seconds.
Calculating the return on investment of IPO and ICO
We established earlier that IPO and ICO vary in processes and waiting period. Additionally, their return on investment also varies. ICOs are built on trust. The task leaders provide tokens for the public and assure them that the tokens will appreciate.
The appropriate time to launch an IPO and ICO
It is important to stress that only an existent company can issue an IPO. The IPO provides the much-needed liquidity for investors and business owners and ultimately increase their capital. ICOs are issued by new companies in an attempt to get financing that will set their companies on its feet. Since ICOs provide investment option for start-ups that ICOs do not, it is best to launch it when the management is about to release the company.

Comparing the owners of IPO and ICO
The final comparison that we will examine is the ownership of both business strategies. The IPOs are partly owned by investors. It gives them a say and a stake in the operation of the company. As a result, they enjoy certain privileges from holding such position such as the right to vote, and dividends. These rights vary to the number of shares that each investor own in the company.
ICOs investors do not have any stake in the company. Anybody can purchase tokens with the expectation that the price will go higher. This, however, is not an equivalent of control.
Everything in a nutshell
Although both methods have their differences and similarities, the most important thing to note is that they are both instruments for raising capital. ICOs are efficient ways that industries operating in the crypto sectors use to raise capital, however, its lack of guidelines leaves a lot to be desired. The can change in the nearest future and we might see an extension of the service to other departments outside the crypto sector.
Final Words
ICOs have demonstrated its effectiveness when it comes to raising financing, however, the absence of guidelines casts a shadow of doubt on the entire operation. This is a fact that the organizations that are involved in the crypto sector have come to terms with, perhaps, will force them to work on a better structure.
Who owns an IPO vs. ICO?
Another location of a significant distinction between ICOs and IPOs is business ownership. IPO gives financiers a stake in the company. As investors, the investors have voting rights that are proportional to the number of shares one owns. Moreover, they could likewise get dividends. ICOs, nevertheless, do not give the investors a stake in the company. Individuals buy ICO tokens in the hope that they will sell them when their rates appreciate. Becoming a token holder does not offer one control on the business’s management.
ICOs and IPOs supply services with a method of raising capital. The former have proved to be effective in helping services to raise money, lack of excellent guideline has led to uncertainty in a sector. ICOs have been typical amongst organizations within the Crypto sector; perhaps this choice will be offered to other organizations with proper guidelines in the future.
June 20, 2019
What Is A Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway?
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology appeared on time. Our world is rapidly shrinking, and the distances in it almost do not play a role. People from all over the globe communicate regardless of borders. The blockchain technology may well replace all traditional payment and remittance infrastructure by providing anonymity and security to its users. It also helps to remove unnecessary intermediaries, thereby reducing the price of transactions. However, despite the advantages of decentralized payment gateways, there are challenges and problems that need to be solved.
Payment systems based on blockchain and cryptocurrency
Storm on the cryptocurrency market and legislative difficulties, of course, do not stop entrepreneurs and enthusiasts: various payment systems, processors, services and applications that offer services to receive payments and organize transfers, already appeared enough. The application is available both on stationary and mobile devices, with the ability to transition to remote access, since there are no restrictions on IP – no. The wallet is presented on both Android and iOS. At the same time, a two-factor safety check is maintained. The pre-sale of the ERO will start in less than a week, and the ICO from October 11. Thanks to enhanced security, innovative services and user-friendly interface, ErosCoin can be the next revolutionary step in this area.
Payment systems on the blockchain – who needs it?
Payment systems
The ubiquitous transition from cash to payments in a cashless form leads to an avalanche-like expansion of the structure of payment systems. Increasing complexity, reduced security, monitoring and maintaining the health of channels, network nodes and data centers require serious resources.
The peculiarity of the blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies is secure transactions, for which you do not need the institution of third, trusted persons. A distributed registry reliably stores transaction data and is deprived of the need to confirm transactions from a payment operator – this is the solution to the many problems of old payment systems.
To consumers
For transfer or payment via the blockchain and the cryptocurrency system, it does not matter at all how many state borders it crosses – this will not affect either the speed or the cost of the transaction.
Blokchain and cryptocurrency payments can be used by people who do not have accounts in the banking system – the presence of the Internet is enough and in most cases a simple smartphone.
To business
Sales points, online stores, retailers – for any type of commercial enterprises, the introduction of settlement systems in cryptocurrency or using the blockchain is easy and does not require significant investments.
June 20, 2019
To understand distributed ledger, we will start by understanding a ledger. A ledger is a record in which commercial accounts are recorded, which can be considered the backbone of accounting. Ledgers have existed in many forms, from when clay has been used to keep records, to stones, to the paper age and then this computer age where it is digitalized. The digitized record emulates the same accounting pattern used on paper during its early phase, but advancement in technology especially in the cryptography and algorithmic areas of computing lead to the production of distributed ledgers.

Understanding distributed ledgers
A distributed ledger is a digital type of accounting where performed transactions are recorded in multiple ledgers at different places at the same time. Rather than the conventional way of keeping record where there is a main ledger, the distributed ledger record are generated separately by each node in the distributed network.
Record distribution over the network is unique as each record in individual ledgers are generated autonomously and saved by each node without any main node’s instruction. The principle governing are:
1. Every node in the network is independent
2. The node processes every transaction and determines the validity of the transaction.
3. Other nodes try to validate the result.
4. the result of the majority wins.

How to implement a distributed ledger
The blockchain technology is a very popular type of digitally distributed ledger. It separates data into independent chunks of data, which are then linked together, with a rule that data can only be added. The blockchain technology has been making waves especially financial sector as it might change the future of the financial sector. It promises efficiency, security and addressing of current challenges in the financial sector. It might as well break through to other sectors like manufacturing and energy. Want to more about blockchain?
The distributed ledger is far more flexible than the traditional paper accounting method, it is safer and more secure. With distributed journals it possible to send valued assets digitally without getting a central authority, a middleman, or any third party involved since the users are the ones to keep track and confirm the validity of record. Making the records more secure as validated records are immutable.
How are distributed ledgers different?
As we can see from the explanation above, the validation and maintenance of records and data are in the hands of the individuals in the distributed network, removing the importance of middlemen, 3rd parties and central authorities, thus making it a very trustworthy, transparent form of performing transaction without the fear of record been changed.
These attributes have made people embrace the new decentralized technology, enhancing its use in the stock trading, money exchange, contracts, the unbanked and crypto trading and this seems like only the beginning.
June 19, 2019
Uquid Review
Uquid is a UK-based firm known for its issuance of cryptocurrency debit cards. For those who don’t know, Quid is slang for GBP. Uquid offers both physical and virtual debit cards. The debit card’s wallet can hold 3 fiat currencies as well as over 80 tokens. This feature alone makes it one of the most desirable and flexible option. However, there are also some limitations that allow its competitors to have a competitive edge. One of the biggest being not covering the US.
We shall further talk about its advantages and disadvantages in the brief review below.
- Uquid supports more than just a single cryptocurrency. Users of Uquid can store Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Monero, Dash and 80 different tokens.
- Uquid Bitcoin Debit card’s wallet allows users to deal in multiple fiat currencies like GBP, EUR, and USD.
- There is no issuance fee on the physical card.
- The debit card also ships fasts.
- Users don’t have to pay any additional charges when withdrawing money from an ATM.
- There is also no extra cost on any purchases
- Unlike its competitors, the Uquid debit card can easily be linked with PayPal, making it extremely handy.
- Uquid Debit card also offers the most flexible market rates for cryptocurrency exchange.
- Uquid also supports payment of bills. Cryptocurrency tokens can be used to pay household bills.
- It also features an option to top-up your mobile credit which is seriously very cool.
- Although it doesn’t cover the US, it is accessible for use in over 178 countries.
- Previously, the Uquid Bitcoin debit card converted cryptocurrency into fiat money –a feature that has disappeared in today’s debit cards. This truly is a shame.
- Today’s Uquid debit card is, in actuality, a prepaid card which needs top-up before use.
- The third biggest drawback is that the debit card still doesn’t cater to the US population which could serve as its biggest market. They do promise to offer its services to the US, but it hasn’t happened so far.
Uquid Bitcoin Debit Card Charges
- There is a monthly $1 service charge
- The actual card costs $16.99.
- It is shipped for free around the world.
- There are no POS transaction charges.
- International ATM withdrawals cost $3.00 whereas domestic ATM withdrawals cost $2.50.
- It costs 3% when withdrawing cash to a bank.
- Physical card: Yes
- Virtual card: Yes
- Card type: Visa
- Mobile app: Yes
- Supported fiat currencies: GBP, USD, and EUR
- Supported cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (BTC), Ripple (XRP) Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC) and 80+ different cryptocurrencies
- Anonymous: No
Final Word
Uquid is amongst the many cryptocurrency firms affected by the ceasing of partnership with Visa due to the WaveCrest. This is one big reason, the firm had to make many changes to an almost-perfect debit card. But not all of its features have turned worse, there are still some that make it stand out from the rest of the crowd. The card offers both affordability and flexibility to its users. When compared to price-wise, it is more or less priced the same as its competitors.
June 19, 2019
Any owner of Bitcoins or Altcoins, of course, thinks about where to put them. And since you have acquired a cryptocurrency, appreciating its advantages, you must also take time to study the issue of storage, so as not to fall for scammers and hackers. Most incidents in the world involving hacking and theft of cryptocurrencies could have been avoided if the owners of the crypt took security more seriously, which we propose to do to you. After all, you can never trust your money to anyone. Recently, there are a very large number of various services that accept digital coins, store, transfer, exchange, etc. So, what kind of wallet for cryptocurrencies to choose in the end? We will try to help you understand this diversity and make the right choice.
What is cold and hot storage
So, first, you need to understand the fundamental difference between the so-called hot and cold storage of tokens. What is the essence of these opposing methods:
Hot storage, or as it is also called hot wallet, or online storage – can be described in one word – “online”. It includes all online wallets that are connected to the network around the clock and give instant access to your funds at any time of the day or night.
Cold storage (in other words cold wallet, or offline storage) is a completely offline method. It could not be better suited for very wealthy people who have huge amounts, or just for people who are shaking over their savings, very afraid of losing them.

Wallets for PC
You can download and install an electronic wallet for cryptocurrency directly on your computer – the so-called desktop version. As a rule, such multicurrency versions, for example, Exodus, with the built-in platform ShapeShift. Protection through private keys, although the choice of currencies is small – only about a dozen of the most famous.
As for the interface, it is not complicated, the control is clear, the design is beautiful. Bitcoin Core product provides a good level of protection, as it is quite independent. As easier to use as compared to a Bitcoin wallet, Electrum can be considered, it runs on Windows, Linux and Mac supports basic hardware store, and will be convenient for beginners.
Advantages and disadvantages
Software wallets are mainly used for long-term storage of cryptocurrencies. However, they are also convenient for conducting large-scale calculations. Such wallets can be called the optimal ratio for safety and ease of use.
Private keys are stored by the user – this is a significant plus, but there are also disadvantages to such wallets. For example, binding to one device, as well as the loss of funds due to breakdown or theft of a computer (if there was no backup on removable media).
As for the features of using software repositories, we will highlight the following:
- Wallets for cryptocurrency need to be downloaded only from official sources and timely updated to new versions. Do not neglect the updates, even if you like the old version more. Often, developers eliminate flaws and vulnerabilities, because to ensure maximum security, it is important to timely download the latest version.
- Although software wallets are considered the most secure, it is also important for the user to monitor the security of his computer. First of all, you should take care of a high-quality and reliable anti-virus.
- You should not download a client or store a backup on devices that someone else has access to. This applies not only to computer workers but also to those devices that other family members have access to.
- After downloading the storage and replenishing the balance, it is important to make a backup copy in order to recover funds in case of computer breakdown or other unpredictable situations. Backups need to be done every time after new transactions.

Best wallet for every coin
Consider the most popular desktop wallets for main cryptocurrencies:
Bitcoin – Bitcoin Core, GreenAddress
Litecoin – Litecoin Core
Ethereum – Ethereum Wallet, Mist
Bitcoin Cash – Electron Cash
XRP – Toast
June 18, 2019
Card Review: Shakepay Bitcoin Debit
The ShakePay card is one of the first among the growing offer of debit cards with Dash support. This is an optimized, simple map that works surprisingly well in its simple form.
Shakepay is an easy-to-use debit card with a more traditional approach. In addition to Ethereum support, it allows users to use Bitcoins and DASH. Card users can send crypto coins to their account, where they can be converted into national currency. This review is divided into categories: functionality and types, with a conclusion at the end.
Getting started
The card is a plain, simple black card without any information about the issuer. The only distinguishing point is the word “prepaid”, written on the card. The card works well through a magnetic stripe and through a chip. Compared to other cards with which I had problems with various merchants, I have never had any problems with ShakePay.
What you can hold
ShakePay allows users to spend their cryptocurrency in almost 200 countries, which allows users to spend more than 42 million points in online and offline mode. Users can then convert cryptocurrencies to fiat money, making the card ideal for avid cryptocurrency travelers. The card also offers its users a reward for purchases of up to 2% cashback. A special application that can be synchronized with the map allows the user to activate and deactivate it.
Trading with ShakePay
The ordering process was too simple and a bit confusing. The final score was about $ 36 expressed in Dash, while the amount to be replenished was $ 20. After replenishing the card, the user receives a confirmation message.
The ShakePay card can be used wherever VISA is accepted, however the card is available only to US residents. The conversion fee is not charged, and the maintenance fee is $1.5 per month. The fee for withdrawing an ATM in Europe is $2.5, in other regions – $3.5.
Pros and Cons of ShakePay
The biggest advantages of this card are in a good interface and in the presence of a mobile application. The web application is simple and optimized. It provides a clear interface with the necessary information and nothing more. Basic account settings and card information are clearly displayed along with limits and fees. The main options are: topping up and creating maps, as well as upgrading to AML / KYC verification level. The mobile application, in turn, is too simple. It is so simple that when I first downloaded it, I thought that I had the wrong application. It contains mostly transaction history and the ability to recharge. Simplicity, of course, will require some getting used to, and an ordinary client, in the first place, will not hasten to trust her.
Transaction fees
Making a card costs $ 15, and the monthly maintenance fee is $ 1. Bitcoin replenishment fee is 1%, and for replenishment of Dash and Ethereum – 3%. It seems a bit expensive for Dash, but if we compare it with the use of ShapeShift for exchanging for Bitcoins and the presence of all these commissions and delays, we end up with a 3% commission justified.