April 9, 2019
What is the Basic Attention Token?
Blockchain and cryptocurrency are becoming more and more popular, and businesses are starting to look for new problems in the new technologies. Basic Attention Token, or BAT (can be translated as “Basic Attention Token”), was created by the co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox in partnership with the creator of JavaScript and is designed to increase the effectiveness of advertising in the digital environment. The BAT network uses the Ethereum blockchain and the specialized browser Brave. The BAT Token is used on the Brave platform as a currency of exchange between users, advertisers, and content publishers, and it embodies an unobvious, but very important for advertising thing – the attention of users.

Why we need it?
The creators of BAT set themselves the task of completely changing the digital advertising market. They believe that the current situation, when websites are flooded with advertising and spying tools, and that malicious programs appear one after another, is unprofitable for neither users nor advertisers and publishers. Publishers (except for Google and Facebook) earn little money and even suffer losses because of bots that mimic user interaction with content or advertising. Advertisers lack the targeting and information about their customers to focus content more accurately.
Brave web browser
The BAT Token (BAT / USD) is targeted for use on the Brave browser platform. It is an open source browser, designed with a focus on privacy and with built-in blocking of tracking code and malware. For anonymous and secure tracking of users’ attention, the blockchain is used here, and attention is turned into income for publishers. Brave registers the user’s attention, aimed at a particular advertisement or other content, while the creators of BAT emphasize that the user’s personal data and information about his preferences are stored only on his device, guaranteeing anonymity and confidentiality. Advertising publishers are rewarded for the attention of users through BAT, and the more effective their content, the more attention it attracts, the higher their income becomes.
Getting Basic Attention Tokens
As noted earlier, the BAT token is not a full-fledged digital currency; rather, it is a coin created according to the standard based on the ERC-20 on the Ethereum Blockchain. Most of the coins were sold during the ICO, and the balance was divided between the developers and is used for the development of the project, respectively, there is no traditional mining concept within this system. However, tokens can still be obtained for free.
How does it all work?
Brave Browser gets accurate information that allows advertisers to offer their product or services only to those users for whom they are of real interest. Anyone can completely get rid of advertising if it is not important. Thus, comfortable conditions for Internet surfing are provided. Advertisers will use BAT coins to pay for the exchange of advertisements with those who use the Brave browser and at the same time is the target audience for a particular ad.
The main feature of Basic Attention Token is that users are directly involved in the workflow. The browser automatically collects information about exactly what the user is interested in, so the advertiser will be able to determine the circle of the target audience with minimal error and make a newsletter for it.

Where it is going?
The Basic Attention Token cryptocurrency project and the new high-speed browser Brave have significant potential for development. The idea of creation offers the user a comfortable environment for using the Internet, as well as the opportunity to receive rewards for a certain activity. Experts and analysts are optimistic about the potential of Basic Attention Token cryptocurrency, despite the fact that the Brave browser is becoming an intermediary, although it has struggled with the mediation.
April 8, 2019
Introducing to Bitcoin Cash
What is Bitcoin Cash? Bitcoin cache is considered a fork of the bitcoin. In fact, a new monetary unit exists according to the same rules as bitcoin itself, since it has the same blockchain. The separation took place for the reason that the community of people using Bitcoins could not reach a common opinion on the direction in which the cryptocurrency should be developed in the future. A new kind of bitcoin came to the liking of the Chinese, of whom about 5% among all cryptocurrency miners.
Short history of Bitcoin Cash
On August 1, 2017, Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrency was created as a result of hard forks Bitcoin. The history of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash were identical to hard forks. Everyone who controlled the secret keys of a certain number of their bitcoins or kept them on the exchange that supports the new currency automatically received the same amount of Bitcoin Cash.
How Bitcoin Cash relates to Bitcoin?
The most illustrative advantages and disadvantages of the two branches of cryptocurrency were presented by the head of Hell Yeah, Paul Miller. He explains what are the pros and cons of Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin. In general, SegWit is a new technology and with a block of 1 MB can accelerate throughput by 1.5-2 times. However, the commission here remains very high. It is assumed that as users connect, it will decrease.
So, the first difference is the block size increased by 8 times in the blockchain. As the creators themselves believe the new digital money, a larger size will contribute to an increase in the number of transactions. The second difference is the rapidly changing complexity. Miners react faster to changes. The third difference is the new type of transaction that appears, in which you can specify the amount of payment. And the fourth difference – enhanced protection against erasing transactions and their repetition. It must be remembered that the rate of the new currency is significantly different from the rate of the usual bitcoin.
Earning Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash has acquired steam rather quickly compared to other new cryptocurrencies. BCH can be purchased on the majority of mainstream cryptocurrency exchanges. Keep in mind that the worth of BTC is around $5,200, whereas BCH is about $400. You can buy bitcoin cash on cryptocurrency exchanges and in some online exchangers. Wallet, which is designed to store the new currency, called – Bitcoin ABC. One of the first sites that introduced such a wallet is Cryptonator. In general, this resource is better than others for storing digital money.
Bitcoin Cash Stability
It is hard to tell which chain will win in the long run – Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash. However, it is clear that they will evolve differently over time. Hardforks are tempting because if a group fundamentally disagrees with the ideology of the initial community, it can separate and launch its own version of cryptocurrency with the same technology, but with a different strategy and management model. This allows the entire cryptocurrency space to evolve due to the fact that some forks introduce innovations. And, no matter what fate awaits Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, one cannot deny that it is extremely fascinating to watch the parallel development of these chains, like cryptocurrencies in general.
April 7, 2019
Introduction to EOS
The most popular cryptocurrency is Bitcoin. He is also the progenitor of the blockchain technology, on the basis of which a huge number of alternative cryptocurrencies have already been launched. True, only a few have become popular and reliable. The top ten most capitalized cryptocurrency includes EOS. This project intends to permanently change the technology of making transactions in a cryptocurrency system.

How EOS works?
In May 2017, Dan Larimer announced the release of the EOS project at the Consensus conference. At the time of the announcement, the creator already had two successful cryptocurrency platforms behind him: the BitShares exchange, opened in 2014, and the Steemit social network, which has been operating since 2016 and has its own cryptocurrency in use, designed to reward user activity. Both developed projects have an impressive transaction rate within the system and a good reputation, which has a positive effect on the reputation of the new project.
The speed of transactions in the system should be provided at the level of 1000-6000 operations per second, and in the future, it is planned to improve the speed of transactions to a million figure per second. In addition, it is planned to completely remove the fees for their implementation.
EOS wallets
As conceived by Dan Larimer, who invented the DPoS, once EOS users vote with wallets and are financially interested in electing the most worthy candidates for validators, they will vote wisely and provide the system with a decentralized level.
EOS wallets
Fans of the token have developed a series of wallets you can store tokens in. Among the most popular ones are the Greymass and Simpleos wallets. You have some community-created wallets to pick from when storing your tokens.
EOS is not for everyone
One of the biggest disagreements regarding EOS is its ICO structure, which uses a model of continuous distribution for a one-year period. Simply put, during ICO, EOS was simultaneously available for purchase on crypto exchanges, which is an unusual practice for such a project. Some believe that this is how the company tried to stimulate speculation and to turn investors against each other. Another miss of the system was the issuing structure – a group of so-called “delegates” could easily print the new currency.
The recent launch of the platform also did not go without surprises – not only was it transferred several times, as a result, so many vulnerabilities and critical bugs were found in the EOS system that developers had to spend tens of thousands of dollars on white hackers.
Main differences of EOS
Den Larimer promised to distribute the huge potential of the EOS network fairly among the holders of tokens, which many analysts considered to be an ingenious innovative strategy to attract investors. Latimer said that if the user owns n% of tokens, he will be able to manage the n% share of the network’s resources, and he will have a number of passive income opportunities. EOS tokens holders are promised seven bonuses at once – throughput for which it will be possible to charge; data storage in the blockchain, which can also be leased; voting rights to participate in the management of the system; access to distributed applications (for users); access to users (for applications); a constant flow of dividends; and airdropы – free distribution of tokens of those applications that will be launched in EOS.
Scalability of EOS
When making a forecast for EOS cryptocurrency, you should consider the fact that these are not just tokens. Behind EOS there is a demanded project designed to exclude cons from the blockchain technology and create a platform that is unique in speed for transactions and project development. Capitalization and the cryptocurrency itself depends on the development of the project. At the start of sales of EOS tokens, their price was equal to $ 1 per unit. In early 2018, the rate of the token to $ 14.59, and the total capitalization of the currency took a leading position in the rating.
For the period from 2018 to 2020, experts predict the growth of the currency to $ 25-50 per unit, and with successful operation and demand for the platform, the cost will only increase. The only problem is that no one knows how successful the project will function and how well ideas will be implemented.

Can EOS scale?Blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum uses a consensus to verify their statements. This setup suggests that each node on the network will update their copy of the blockchain whenever it has been changed. Favorite, this system also eventually leads to scalability concerns. EOS, on the other hand, uses an agreement to validate the events on their blockchain. That means the system focuses on activities (such as transactions) instead of the state (such as blocks of deal records). This method is a bit slower, which means it takes longer to confirm transactions. However, it can process many more transactions in a smaller time-frame than older systems. The Bitcoin network can process around seven transfers of BTC per second. In comparison, EOS can manage one million deals per 2nd– for every node on the network. Imagine that being multiplied that by the number of computers on the EOS blockchain network, and you’ve got a much more efficient network.
April 6, 2019
Introducing to Cardano
Cardano (ADA) is a cryptocurrency, like many others – based on decentralized work and transparency. Launched in 2014 by a group of entrepreneurs and programmers. To be precise, Cardano is the general name of the project, and Ada is the token, the currency of the service. Cryptocurrency attaches increased importance to the security provided by a multi-level structure. Cardano positions itself as the first blockchain project, which emerged due to academic research and has a comprehensive scientific philosophy as its foundation. The cryptocurrency developed and managed by Charles Hoskinson, who in the past led the etririum project, seeks to maximize the potential of smart contracts.

WShort history of Cardano
Initially, the Cardano development team declared its intention to create a project aimed at caring for the interests and convenience of the end user, as well as taking into account the position of regulators. The developers sought to find a middle ground between the need for regulation on the one hand, and privacy and the principles of decentralization, which are key to blockchain technology, on the other. Cardano was born in 2014. At that time, the project was a mixture of revolutionary ideas and concepts, the fruit of collective research and collaboration. Its creators set themselves the task of overcoming the limitations of the existing blockchains.
Understanding proof-of-stake
Cardano uses the Proof-of-Stake algorithm called Ouroboros, thanks to which, as stated on the project website, “there is no need for the energy-intensive Proof-of-Work protocol, which prevents blockchain scaling and its wider use.”
Also, the Ouroboros algorithm avoids the need for energy-intensive evidence, since the project developers were able to scientifically prove the high level of security of the protocol itself without ancillary tools. The result of the work of the security system platform based on Ouroboros can be compared with the protection of the Bitcoin system, which no one has yet been able to crack.
ADA tokens
ADA is the name and ticker of Cardano tokens. According to the developers, ADA demonstrates what the function of money will be in the future: high-speed, direct, cryptographically secure transfers.
Trading ADA tokens
To make an ADA transfer, you need to pay a minimum commission. The minimum commission is a prerequisite for a transaction, and if you prefer, you can pay a larger fee. By a special formula, the minimum commission for each transaction is calculated separately.

Daedalus Wallet Features
There is a native wallet Cardano – DAEDALUS WALLET. It is considered safe and very convenient. In any case, if you invest in Cardano, you will surely not keep funds on the exchange markets, but withdraw them to your wallet.
At the same time, you get an expanded functionality of the wallet, in which you can:
- create multiple accounts for different cryptocurrencies;
- view transaction history;
- manage your accounts at any time without restrictions;
- use a special Cardano Block Explorer explorer;
- use encryption of private keys and passwords;
- export wallets to paper certificates.
According to the developers, in the near future the functionality of the platform will be expanded, which will also affect the wallet:
- ETH and PTS support will be included;
- Mobile apps for iOS and Android will appear;
- the option to generate blocks will open;
- support for the maximum number of coins will be launched.
April 5, 2019
Introduction to Dogecoin
DOGEcoin is a cryptocurrency founded in 2013 for the joke of enthusiastic programmers Jackson Palmer and Billy Marcus. It is actually named after an Internet meme with a Shiba Inu dog, seemed to have leaped from its leash. The basis for the development of Dogecoin cryptocurrency served as the more famous and coming on the heels of Bitcoin Litecoin. The development was presented in the 2013th year. A characteristic feature of Dogecoin was a quick mining period.
Short history of Dogecoin
Cryptocurrency dogikoin was created as a comic project, so it was not originally planned to be withdrawn to the global market for subsequent distribution among cryptoinvestors and miners. The developers of this coin, based on the Lightcoin software code, wanted to demonstrate the absurdity of the crypto market with the help of dogecoin, that now each dog began to create its own digital currency. Popular among Internet users, the Japanese dog breed Sibu Inu was chosen as the symbol of dogecoin. Due to its deliberate frivolity and playfulness, the cryptocurrency Doge continues to attract all new users who want to invest in this project with the hope of making money on its further growth.
Earning Dogecoin
Another reason for the popularity of Contracts can be attributed to the online wallet – dogechain.info – the link can register your own wallet, and the service is official and of high quality. Also on Dogcheyne, you can see information about the mined blocks and pools (the amount of production on the chart, respectively). It is very easy to buy on the exchanges – this is another plus, why you should buy dogs (as long as they are cheap).
Advantages of Dogecoin
Cryptoinvestors often want to find out what dogecoin is and what features this cryptomonet has. Due to the fact that Dogecoin is actually a fork of Bitcoin, the currency has received several similar features with its progenitor. So, Doge is also an end product that has no basis. This factor is decisive in the structure of the formation of the cost of 1 dogecoin.
From a technical point of view, dogs are not distinguished by innovative chips, which can be observed in a change in the rate of 1 doge, which varies according to the general rules of the crypto market. Dogecoin code is based on the Scrypt encryption principle. This is one real difference between forks and bitcoins using SHA-256. It is likely that this moment is the only factor that changes the rate of Podecoin in such a way that the currency maintains high positions in the global rating. In addition to the opportunity to buy dogecoin, owners of medium and powerful PCs can start mining this digital coin. The mining process is based on the traditional principle – Proof-Of-Work. In fact, there is no point in using extra maping equipment for mining dogs, since it will not provide the desired crypto-production speed.
Dogecoin capitalization
In general, not bad, the coin is currently 55th in terms of the amount of money invested in it and has every chance of rising higher, and we will explain further why. The currency, almost forgotten since its apogee in 2014, has increased in price by more than 400% over the last month, setting a new record on January 4 – above $ 0.01.
Dogecoin future perspectives
Dogecoin continues to exist due to the formed frivolous image and the desire of young people to everything unusual and new. What will happen next can not say any market analyst. Apparently, over the next couple of years, the cost of 1 doge will continue to grow to the delight of investors. This development will be assisted by a global crypto boom, as well as the instability of Bitcoin and other crypto-money. At the same time, the future prospects of dogs are not so bright, because it will be more difficult to maintain “freshness” and “novelty”. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the expediency of long-term investment in the Doge and it is more reasonable to give preference to other currencies.
April 4, 2019
Litecoin is the No. 2 digital currency in terms of turnover and No. 5 in terms of the market value of its assets (capitalization). Like Bitcoin, it integrates workstations into a network, between which electronic money is exchanged. It also has such features as anonymity and the absence of a single control authority (decentralization), as in the most popular cryptocurrency. Essentially, it is one of the most famous forts of Bitcoin (Bitcoin). The actual developer and founder of this cryptocurrency is Charlie Lee. He took as a basis the idea of a decentralized Bitcoin network, slightly changed the mining process, the protocol, as well as the source code of the network itself. Based on these changes, the developer has launched its own network.

Litecoin vs. Bitcoin
Brief history of Litecoin
This cryptocurrency was developed in the likeness of Bitcoin, and the creator’s identity, unlike the creator of the most popular cryptocurrency, is known to all – Charles Li, an employee of Coinbase, who previously worked at Google. He launched Litecoin on 10/13/2011, but success was achieved only in 2013 when the capitalization of this virtual currency increased sharply.
The sharp rise was followed by a gradual decline in interest in Litecoin, since the sizes of the blocks added to the blockchain became too large, and the structural units themselves became too complex. This led to a fall in the rate and loss of interest from the miners.
Who made Litecoin?
Differences of Litecoin and Bitcoin
One of the well-known drawbacks of Bitcoin is the low speed of generating a chain of blocks, which is why network users have many hours of transaction freezing. In Litecoin, this parameter is at least 4 times higher, which allows processing a greater number of transactions during the same time period. In addition, due to the high generation rate of the unit, additional protection against double waste is provided. The number of coins that can be mined also compares favorably.
Litecoin Capitalization
Both the exchange rate and capitalization of the currency have a pronounced positive trend. For example, the first indicator in April of the current year was only about $ 9, and the second – 443 million dollars. By capitalization, this currency at the end of 2017 occupied the 5th place in the world. Her course was about $ 54. During the year, it rose to $ 70, the maximum rate was $ 90. Exchanges that support Litecoin more than Bitcoin.

Litecoins Advantages
Since litecoin is essentially a slightly modified bitcoin, it is also mined. For mining Bitcoin, the SHA-256 algorithm is used, which uses a processor. Litecoin uses the script algorithm, which requires more memory. Like in the original Bitcoin, the issue of emission is limited and amounts to 84 million coins. In bitcoin 4 times less: 21 million coins. At the moment, only a quarter of this amount is already mined, so it will mine even more. At first, the miners for each new block received 50 LTC, but approximately every 4 years or 840 thousand blocks the amount of remuneration is halved. This is justified by the fact that the rate is growing, and the remuneration remains essentially the same. Now the reward for one new unit is 25 LTC, approximately in 2019, it will decrease by another 2 times and amount to 12.5 LTC.
April 3, 2019
The creator of the most successful Bitcoin analog project, a young genius from Canada with Russian roots, Vitalik Buterin is a legend of the cryptocurrency world. In 2008, someone Satoshi Nakamoto invented a revolutionary, completely different from anything before that moment, a monetary asset – bitcoin. In 2014, inspired by this development, the 19-year-old student created an absolutely new project that seeks to radically transform the entire Internet and change the entire existing economic system beyond recognition. This student’s name is Vitalik Buterin, and his project is called Ethereum.

Short biography of Vitalik Buterin
Vitalik was born on January 31, 1994 in the city of Kolomin in Russia. His parents – father Dmitry and mother Natalia – at that time were students of the technical university and studied at the faculty of computer science. At the age of 4, dad presented the boy with the first computer, which became his favorite toy. Interestingly, at such a young age the child was not interested in video games, the most exciting thing for him was creating macros in Excel. The father was not happy about this and asked the boy to finish his studies and get a diploma. However, Buterin refused and continued to act in his own way.
Running Bitcoin Magazine
Soon, he attracted the attention of the Romanian crypto enthusiast Mihai Alisi. Familiarity Buterin and Alice led to the fact that in 2012, they became the founders of the monthly magazine dedicated to bitcoin and cryptotechnology – Bitcoin Magazine. In parallel with his work in the publication, Buterin worked as a programmer in the Dark Wallet project, which developed a secure cryptocurrency wallet, and in the startup Egora, a decentralized marketplace on Blockchain.

Birth of ideak
A couple of years later, he handed over the magazine to BTC Media, while he himself began to study the alternative use of bitcoin and blockchain. In this, he was helped by Israeli developers from the Mastercoin and CovertCoins projects, who were charged with the idea of releasing alternative bitcoin-based tokens. Then Buterin came to the conclusion that with the help of the Turing language (which allows solving problems according to an algorithm using RAM), a mass generalization of the functions of the protocols is possible. This is how the Ethereum project, created together with Mihai Alisi, Joe Lubin, Gavin Wood, Charlie Hoskinson, and Anthony Di Iorio, appeared.
Writing the Ethereum white paper
In 2013, “white paper Ethereum” was born. The project team, in addition to Buterin and Alice, included entrepreneur and founder of Jaxx startup Anthony Di Loriot, as well as mathematician Charles Hoskinson, one of the main creators of the platform technology. Soon, Gavin Wood joined the project (He wrote for Ethereum Yellow paper – a preliminary technological description of the project, explaining the details of the processing of the distributed book data and the performance of smart contracts) and Joseph Lubin (Founder of ConsenSys, a developer of decentralized applications).
In parallel, Buterin received a Tile grant for young entrepreneurs seeking to change the world. 100 thousand dollars was enough for the project in order to cover the expenses at the beginning of the Ethereum project development.
Ethereum ICO
In 2014, the registration of the Ethereum headquarters in Switzerland was carried out. According to Buterin, the choice of the country was due to its world-famous banking system reliability, as well as the presence of favorable conditions for the conduct of cryptocurrency activities.
In the summer of the same year, the crowdfunding project was completed – he brought 31 thousand bitcoins to his creators. In return for spent BTC, the project investors received the first in the history of ETH. Then 60 thousand platform tokens were released. The full launch of Ethereum occurred in July 2015. Over the year, the project gained incredible popularity, but the platform was not afraid to accept quite risky ideas for implementation.
April 2, 2019
What Is Coinbase?
Among the many renowned cryptocurrency exchanges across the globe, Coinbase is one of them. It was the highest funded bitcoin startup, launched in San Francisco In the year two thousand and twelve. A year after the launch, it became the greatest crypocurency exchange throughout the world. As per now, in thirty-two various countries across the globe, Coinbase attends to more than ten million traders. This is the most secure online platform where you can buy, sell, transfer and even store your digital currency.

How to trade on Coinbase
First, you have to create a Coinbase account. It is not as hard as you may think; as you only have to visit their website, fill in your personal information such as your name, email and the password you will be using for the same. After that, you have to check your email, to find out the confirmation email, which then you shall confirm.
The next step will be to tell Coinbase the type of account you want to create. Most likely, you will select between individual and business account. Then set up the payment method f that I will be favorable for you, for instance, you can enable the two-factor authentication.
You will enable the 2-factor authentication by ensuring that you supply your phone contact, which will be followed by setting up a payment method. Your payment method is up, and now it is time to get started with purchasing the cryptocurrency tokens. It is recommended to start by buying some Coinbase bundle.
What is a Coinbase Bundle?
Coinbase exchange is now offering five available cryptocurrencies namely litecoin, ethereum classic, bitcoin cash, and bitcoin. This bundle of coins will give you an opportunity to split your investments into percentages as follows: 2.33% of litecoin, 15.58 of ethereum, 0.78% of etherum classic, 75.2% of bitcoin and 6.11% bitcoin cash.
Coinbase Fees and Transactions
The Coinbase fees will range from 1.49 to 3.99% based on the method of payment you will be using. It is worth noting that credit cards are quite faster, but they can incur higher charges as compared to bank transfers.
Depending on your location, you will have different transaction limits applying to your account, and you can check them on your screen. Verified residents from Europe, can contract up to $30,000 weekly, while the U.S ones transact up to $50,000 weekly.
Coinbase Custody
Coinbase has a pioneering custody program, which is enjoyed by organizations which trade with them. It only takes holding at least $ 10,000,000, and then set up which needs $ 100,000 and you can enjoy it too.
Coinbase Shift Card and UK Bank Purchases
The UK bank and shift card are two essential parts of Coinbase. They are necessary as you can use them, especially the visa debit, in doing some transactions in various stores that allow the use of visas. If you are U.S resident, you can link your bank account to Cubase, and use it to purchase cryptocurrency tokens promptly.

Coinbase Pro
The pro-section used to be GDAX, and it is meant for the expert traders. It automatically comes together with your Coinbase account and will help you at an advanced level.
Paradex Acquisition
Coinbase bought a cryptocurrency exchange known as Paradox and it is focused on the ERC20 tokens, which are the utility tokens in various ICOs. Once they are fully merged with Paradex, Coinbase will integrate the option of purchasing ERC20 souvenirs recently acquired another cryptocurrency exchange called Paradex, which focuses on ERC20 tokens. You will perhaps recognise the ERC20 tokens as the utility tokens found in many ICOs. Coinbase plans to integrate the option of buying ERC20 tokens once they are fully merged with Paradex.
If you have investing needs, Coinbase is one of the best platforms to invest. If you are doing a lot of trading, this is also the way to go. Open your account today, and see the significant impact of Coinbase.

April 1, 2019
Top 15 ICO Service Providers
The process of launching an ICO can be a tough ask. Apart from the development process involved in manufacturing and launching a product, there is also the little issue of marketing and ensuring that your launch complies with the law. Thankfully, there are numerous ICO development companies that specialize in taking care of this process. Below, we have highlighted 15 of such companies.
1. Antier Solutions
Over the past 5 years, Antier Solutions have solidified their stance in the ICO industry, and are regarded as experts when it comes to the creation and marketing of digital tokens. In addition, the company also offers legal and technical services.
This ICO development company provides a variety of services that include reviews of business models and construct ways to optimize your product to achieve any set goals. When it comes to the latest trends, Applicature is the frontrunners in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain.
3. Bacancy Technology
Bacancy Technology is a prestigious ICO marketing firm that has the added advantage of being one of the first agencies to tap into the world of blockchain technology. Bacancy provides its clients with a complete infrastructure that allows these clients to manufacture and market ICO tokens.
4. Blockchain App Factory
Boasting an impressive track record, Blockchain App Factory is an experienced ICO development company that performs top notch feats by helping clients to develop tokens that can be listed on the most prestigious crypto exchanges.
5. BR Softech Technology
If you are looking for an ICO marketing company that provides smart contracts, token development, marketing campaigns, and landing pages, then BR Softech Technology is your best bet as they specialize in manufacturing ERC20 tokens.
6. Crypto Gang
Crypto Gang is an ICO development form that helps clients to develop they brand identity in a manner that is guaranteed to bring in investors. They specialize in crafting whitepapers and designing of ICO websites.
7. IBC Group
If your target market is an international audience, then IBC is the perfect ICO marketing agency to partner with. With branches in more than 40 countries, this agency is designed to help you develop a marketing strategy regardless of your target audience.
8. ICOBox
ICOBOX represents the ideals of new generation ICO marketing services. Their main focus lies on business facilitation and blockchain growth for companies that seek to use their ICO for fundraising purposes.
9. ICO Launch Malta
ICO Launch Malta is located on Blockchain island where the agency takes full advantage of the Blockchain tax laws and regulations associated with Malta. Their ICO services range from legal, technical, and marketing solutions for upcoming startups.
10. ICO Producer
ICO Producer is the daughter company of Advanced Online. Like its parent company, the firm specializes in providing IT solutions and has recently invaded the blockchain industry as it gradually evolves into an ICO marketing agency.
11. New Alchemy
New Alchemy is a top rated ICO development agency that provides marketing strategies on how to successfully maintain an ICO. Their services include planning, creating, launching, and executing the ICO. The company also offers its clients smart contracts.
12. Oodles Technologies
If your primary need is an agency so that specializes in blockchain app development, rest assured that Oodles Technologies is your best bet. The company offers services that include smart contracts and marketing campaigns.
13. ROQ Media
In 2018, ROQ Media launched with top-notch support from investors. This ICO marketing agency is fully committed to providing one-stop solutions to any form of concerns regarding an ICO launch.
14. S-PRO
S-PRO is a classic example of an ICO development agency that focuses on executing all the technical features of your ICO. The company is very good at developing contracts and designing premium ICO websites.
15. TokenMarket
One of the most client-based agencies, TokenMarket is tailored to cater to client needs. This ICO development company serves as a platform through which clients can develop their ICO product from scratch. The firm is a recipient of several awards due to their success rate.
April 1, 2019
Have you ever heard of Wirex? Wirex has been making a name in crypto trading. Many traders are very much surprised on the card’s functionality. It is an all-in-one card that you can use for any type of transaction. If you haven’t had your Wirex Bitcoin Debit Card, my review about the Wirex Bitcoin Debit Card just might convince you to get one.
What is Wirex?
Wirex is one of the most popular bitcoin debit cards. Many cryptocurrency traders often use Wirex in their trading and other personal transactions. The card was created and conceptualized by E-Coin. This debit card has been in circulation since 2014. The card comes in a virtual and physical card. The virtual card is under Visa and is a perfect card for online transactions. On the other hand, the physical card is under MasterCard. The MasterCard comes with an EMV feature and PIN code for any transactions in physical stores. Both debit cards are accepted for any Visa and Mastercard transactions.
What benefits can you get from Wirex?
One of the good things about the card is that it can be delivered to more than 130 countries. Apart from that, it also has a mobile app that allows you to check and transfer funds. The mobile app also allows users to exchange fiat money to a digital token or vice versa.
Wirex has tight security and allows the user to use two-factor authentication. This feature reduces the possibility of the user becoming a victim of fraud and scams. The debit card is not a reloadable pre-paid card. The money that you have in your account will automatically reflect on the card. It has its own account number, CVV code and expiration date of the card.
The best benefit that you can get from the card is it’s 0.5% cash-back if you happen to use it in stores. This is actually more like token-back in the form of cryptocurrency.
What are the things that I don’t like from Wirex?
One of the disadvantages of the Wirex card is that it takes a long time before you can get it. Aside from that, the verification process is often slow and takes a long time to complete. Wirex will ask for several documents before you can complete your verification process. It takes up to 10 days before you can actually complete the process.
The actual Visa debit card is only available to users living in the UK. Users from other countries like the US and other European countries will only have access to the pre-paid card version of Wirex.
List of Fees for Wirex Debit Card
Like any other debit cards, the Wirex also has a monthly service charge. This applies to both Visa and MasterCard. In addition, the physical card also has an additional fee of $17 upon issuance. ATM withdrawals are charged $2.50 for domestic withdrawals while international withdrawals are charged $3.50
To summarize, the Wirex Bitcoin Debit Card is available in both Visa and Mastercard with both Virtual and Physical cards. It also has a mobile application. It supports fiat money like USD, EUR, and GBP. Wirex also supports cryptocurrencies like Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin (BTC), and Ethereum (ETH). However, Wirex does not allow anonymous accounts.
Overall, Wirex is one of the best options for BTC debit cards. If you happen to live in the UK, this card is the perfect one for you. It’s safe and easy to use. The company is also equipped with the best customer services. I like how flexible it is to transfer crypto and fiat money from one account to another with a stringent identity verification measures. If you happen to consider getting a Bitcoin Debit Card, try Wirex. It’s cheaper and safer.
How was your experience with Wirex card? Send us your comments and tell me what you think about it.