U Run It Review

The market for online casinos is one of the few industries that sees a rapid and consistent growth. Based on the growth of the industry from 2017 to now, the market capacity is expected to have doubled in just five years by 2022. Whilst the gambling industry has come a long way from cards to slot machines, to online casinos, one thing remains unchanged. The house always wins in the end. But with such a saturated market, many online casinos are struggling to compete. This has led many of them to use a lot of gimmicks, bonuses, offers, and other ways to attract clients. The result of this practice has decreased customer loyalty, as clients are always looking for the next deal. U Run It is a blockchain-based platform that aims to change this trend and completely flip the online gambling world on its head.

What is U Run It

As with many other ICOs, U Run It seeks to break with some of the established norms of their industry. One of the main aims of the project is to hand over the control to the casino players, thereby turning the tables in both literal and metaphorical sense. Rather than simply being a run-of-the-mill online casino, U Run It will create a “white label” platform that other casino operators can make use of to service their clientele. By taking this new and innovative approach to gambling, the team behind U Run It aims to usher in the next phase of the gambling industry. They also want to ensure that all investors who contribute to the ICO are rewarded for their efforts by increasing the value of the tokens. In addition to making a profit from this increase in the value of the tokens, token holders will also be eligible to participate in regular jackpot drawings.

How does U Run It work?

By using blockchain technology, U Run It will be a decentralized platform that keeps all user data secure. As it utilizes the Ethereum network, smart contracts will be the driving mechanism that ensures the distribution of the URUN tokens after the ICO has ended. The jackpot drawings available to token holders will take place every day, every week, and every month. The prizes will be made up of 70% of all the collected URUN tokens on the platform. Because there are strict regulations when it concerns the gambling industry, the U Run It team has enlisted a number of finance attorneys with a deep understanding of the cryptocurrency space. One of the factors that will contribute to the value of the token is that it is a utility token, rather than a security. This means that it will be listed on international cryptocurrency exchanges very soon after the ICO has come to an end. One thing that sets U Run It apart from many other ICOs is that the URUN tokens will slowly be phased out of circulation. This will be done by gradually decreasing the number of tokens being used for each transaction made on the platform. For holders of the URUN tokens, this, of course, means that the value of each token is guaranteed to increase as time goes by. Not only will there be fewer tokens, but the demand will increase as more players and casino operators join the platform.

Other Information:
– Urunit TWITTER
– bitcointalk ANN
– bitcointalk BOUNTY
– bitcointalk USERNAME: Ico Friends

Frederik Nielsen
Frederik Nielsen

I’m a freelance writer and full-time curious person. My main interests are philosophy, politics, art, culture, science, and how they’re all interlinked. When I’m not writing, I’m fronting a band, producing records, and making videos. I’m also currently working on launching a YouTube channel that will focus on culture and politics. I think blockchain technology is fascinating because of the huge potential it has to revolutionise not only the financial sector, but society as a whole.

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