Mining the Litecoin

Speaking as simply as possible, the mining of Lightcoins is the process of performing computational operations on the network of the same name payment system. The essence of these calculations is to generate a new block of transactions. For the creation of the block, a reward is given for each miner whose equipment participated in the process. The amount of payments depends on the specific work done by the machine.

Since today Litecoin mining is rapidly gaining popularity (due to the fact that this cryptocurrency gradually becomes more expensive), more and more people want to join this activity. However, newcomers are faced with two obvious questions: where to start and how, in fact, to get the desired coins. Today we will try to answer them in as much detail as possible.

Understand Crypto Mining Basics

Mining is a relatively similar process for many cryptocurrencies. If we give an analogy with real life, then we can take the harvest as an example. To tear off apricot and cherry tree, you need to stand with a container under it and collect all the berries. But if you can take an apricot immediately for the fruit, then it is advisable to take the cherry by the stem, so as not to crush it.

When approaching Litecoin mining, one must also take into account its features, algorithm and protocol, and mining characteristics.

There is an erroneous opinion that even a 5-year-old child can do mining. Well, if you tell such a child the minimal basics of cryptology, programming, then he can try. But the likelihood that the child will earn on this, scanty. Production efficiency depends not only on iron and minimal knowledge but also on miner’s skills.

Mining Computers

For Litecoin mining, you can use one or two video cards or build a whole farm consisting of 6–10 boards. The second method will bring you much more profit, but you will need to invest a huge amount of money (from 4-5 thousand dollars and more), arrange the wiring in advance and get ready to receive impressive receipts for the light. And given that Lightcoin, like any other cryptocurrency, is volatile, the payback of hardware can take a very long time; in the case of a course collapse, you can stay in the red Although even with such bad hands, you can go to the mining of another currency (the same Bitcoin or Ether).

Mining on processors is much less popular. Nevertheless, we will look at chips that can help you earn your first Lightcoins. At once, when choosing a processor, you need to focus not only on the number of cores and their clock frequency but on the supported number of threads. The more, the better.

Get a wallet

Lightcoin requires a special wallet to store accumulated coins, as well as for ordinary cash. Here, stationary virtual wallets are optimally suited, as well as those that do not require installation, as they work online.

When downloading a wallet there is another important nuance: synchronization. If you decide to do solo mining, then you will need to wait for the full synchronization of the wallet with the blockchain, so that you can search for new blocks. Without it, you can not check all the data, respectively, to extract LTC will not work.

Mining pools

We have already written that individual mining will not be able to provide you with profitability and cover all your costs, therefore it is advisable to use group mining of crypto money. Usually, mining pools take 1% of all generated coins for themselves, the remaining assets are divided between participants proportionally.

Here is a list of pools in which only LTC can be mined:

  • Multipool
  • HashFaster

You register on the selected resource, carefully read all the conditions of the service and create your own account. After that, you need to create workers (My Workers), the number of which should be equal to the number of graphics professors involved in mining.

Mining Program

Well, the last step to start is to choose a mining program for mining lightcoins. The simplest and most understandable program that will suit even beginners is the Miner Scrypt GUI. It has the support of the Russian language, which will greatly facilitate the process of dating.

GUI Miner Scrypt does not require users of highly specialized knowledge, experience or skills. The program will help to update all the necessary drivers for your graphics devices so that there are no problems with its use.


Litecoin mining is a very profitable occupation in 2019, directly dependent on the rate of the token. Modern computers have quite a productive capacity, so you can even create work nodes at home. In this article, we looked at the most popular and popular mining options. You can choose the right one according to your needs and financial possibilities.

Frederik Nielsen
Frederik Nielsen

I’m a freelance writer and full-time curious person. My main interests are philosophy, politics, art, culture, science, and how they’re all interlinked. When I’m not writing, I’m fronting a band, producing records, and making videos. I’m also currently working on launching a YouTube channel that will focus on culture and politics. I think blockchain technology is fascinating because of the huge potential it has to revolutionise not only the financial sector, but society as a whole.


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